Curious about how Thursday's meeting went?
Now we know what you want to hear, but the process doesn't work that fast in fact our next meeting, due to scheduling conflicts on their end, won't be until 4/30.
They did however make a counter proposal to our salary portion of the contract.
They gave in a litt
1) 3%
2) 2%
3) 2-1/2%
3) 2-1/2%
They moved a whole 1%-Oh Boy! Again we had to hear the "Broke" story and that this package will eventually cost the Authority 3 Mil. and they have no clue how they are going to fund it.
They actually looked like we would jump at their ludicrous salary proposal!
Now you all work in various departments and in one way or another know what the Authority is shelling out to projects, initiatives and consultants. You also know what the Authority is taking in-enough with the "Broke" story! They can afford it and we deserve a better salary proposal!
Should you be mad at what they are proposing- Hell Yea!!!
Now let's talk turkey!
Unless you come together and let them know that you are fed up with this BROKE crap, they are going to continue to come to the table with this song & dance.
Now you may or may not want to be part of a group effort, but in this endeavor in order to come to a mutually agreed upon conclusion you are going to have to act as a group.
There are those of you who want to sit back in a sedated condition and pretend you see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil in hopes that the stigma of the union will not follow you.
Guess what people the Authority knows the union is here and it is not a secret anymore!
There are also those of you who continue to make the claim that this is a personal endeavor, it is not, this is business. All of the Authority's employees deserve equal treatment when it comes to salary increases, overtime and promotions.
We understand that over the years some of you have received preferential treatment and you liked it and you feel this will go away. Know this there is nothing in writing that says you can not be awarded merit increases above the yearly percentage that we agree to.
Now let us walk you through it. We signed an agreement with the Authority that there is going to be an AFSCME collective bargaining unit. Again this is business not personal! We are making every effort to ensure that when it comes time for you to vote on it-it will be a good and fair agreement for everyone!
I apologize for the short notice on "Green Day" I had problems with my email provider, so April 30th will be "Green Day" anything goes, green pants, sweaters, blouses, ties, pants etc., while we can not wear AFSCME shirts, we can wear AFSCME colors.
Why Green?
To show solidarity!
We have plenty of pins and bumper stickers to go around, and if you haven't signed a green card we have plenty of those as well.
The next informational meeting at DuPage Inn will be scheduled shortly after the April 30th contract meeting you will be notified. With that said feel free to post comments or if you have any questions you know where to find me.