Thursday, July 05, 2007

Illinois Tollway Junior High!!!!!

Yes folks I think at this stage of the game this name for the Authority is appropriate! Status Quo was the agreement on breaks and in my book Status Quo means business as usual! The Authority is denying the fact that they said Status Quo on breaks so they are implementing 2-fifteen minute breaks and 1-half hour break-in some cases these will be scheduled breaks.

In some c
ases folks are being told that they can not leave their desk for a drink or snack unless on break, can not have food or beverages at their desk, can not talk unless they are on break and have to leave their desk at break time! Perhaps Junior High is too tame-maybe Correctional Facility is more appropriate! And yes they are doing this in the name of the contract!!!!???

I don't know about you, but if something is not really broken why fix it? There are folks who have been taking 1 hour lunches for 20 years and the operation still worked.

I thought being a Tollway that we operated in a business environment- I didn't think we operated like a factory. I am hoping
for our intercom to be equipped for a horn that goes off to indicate to people that it is time for their break!

So if you are given a scheduled break you take it!!! It doesn't matter what is going on it is your scheduled break!

If you are told to sign in and out for your breaks based on the needs of your department-you do it in that manner that the Law has set down for breaks. Do Not Loose Your Break Time to the Authority! They clearly don't deserve your break time!

What if something comes up????

I'm on break!!!!!!!

There were a couple folks who had coffee pots at their desks they were told that they could not have them any more based on the contract!!!!???? Okay whatever contract they are looking at that we haven't seen!!!! I am hearing that this rule has been in place since the onslaught of the space heaters! I find it ironic that nothing has been said about appliances before and the Authority took the time to mention this at the very same quarterly meeting they did the contract over view! If there is such a rule we want everyone's appliances gone-not just a few!!!! I think we can all agree that there is just some bad members of management and this is were we make the Contract work to the letter by filing greivances!!

There are members of management who feel the
ir operations have run fine the way they have been set up and do not want to be locked into their employees doing 2-15 minute breaks and 1-1/2 hour break, however they are being told this is how it is going to be done! So the Authority is not only micro managing their employees, but their management staff as well. Why have managers lets just have the Executive Director and the Chief of Administration call all the shots I am sure they are better equipped to tell the different departments how they should be operated!

So let the grievances begin-you are being treated as less a person because y
ou are in a union come to us we will file!!!

As far as charging us for Authority sweaters because we can not wear our own sweaters in a building, whose climate controls are God awfully managed, I was at that subcommittee and nothing was mentioned to this affect. The only thing we were told we would be a charged for was additional polos, outer wear was going to be provided at the Authority's expense.

So for now until everything is cleared up you will feel as though you were back at school and worse like you were in a Catholic school-God knows I went through 12 years of Catholic school-I thought they were bad!


At 9:24 PM, Blogger Puppet of the Tollway said...

How is sad that administration has utilized their best skill yet, vexatious behavior just to feel secure about themselves or maybe to deliver us a chapter of "the agenda". Sad pathetic puppets. My view and opinion stands with the union. Talking to a couple of the people that were at the table, I truly believe that they did not see this coming nor would they have agreed to it. All along I kept hearing status quo to this, status quo to that. I'm sure this is not the end of it either. This game of screw your neighbor has just made me want to get more involved and from the sounds of things more of us will. I am not worried about my break time being changed nor am I offended at the thought of wearing a uniform. I'll gladly take my coffee maker home and bring in a thermos like Alex does. Work is work and a paycheck is a paycheck. So if being the puppet of the big guy makes them sleep well at night, so be it.

At 4:13 PM, Blogger crashbarrel said...

Hey, can I be a hall monitor?

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Snowbunnie said...

Any DUMBASS should have known that unless you put it into the contract "VERBATIM", that management can do whatever they want to you. I tried and tried to tell the "Team" that, but they kept saying that management said that it was statues quo. NO.......don't listen to someone who deals with contracts all the time. And knows that you have to spell everything out verbatim or it has loopholes and they can screw with you. You all had your little agenda's, now the rest of us have to pay the price. And if you all were STUPID enough to think that they would not screw with you after you are dumb enough not to put it into the "contract". now all have to deal with "the contract". And durring your little informational meeting/vote. You chose to wait until AFTER the meeting was over to answer, individules who have enough intellegance to see that breaks and lunches were not specific in the contract, amoungst other issues, questions. You did everything you could to make sure this contract was passed with as little questions answered in front of the masses as possible. I VOTED NO!! I didn't sell my soul for 5%. I knew that my dignity and self worth was valued much higher then 5%/5%/4%/4% and a #@*& Polo shirt! The best is yet to comes folks! Wait until the "complaints" start rolling in. Does anyone of you have enough smarts to know that you need money in the kitty to file grievances and fight them. I can't wait to see how much of our paychecks go to union dues! Then what will be left of your 5% raises. You mindless souls. Keep following the masses. I was taught to be a leader, not a follower. And to stand up for what you believe in or you will fall for anything. Well, it looks like most of you don't know how to stand up and take a proactive stance. You would rather trust "The Team" blindly, just like the Team trusted management blindly, then to ask questions and be informed. In my session there were only 4 people who actually took the time to try and read through the contract, not the little fluff piece that the Team provided us. That just goes to show you what zombies most people here are. If you were going to all sell yourselves, why not just stand out on a corner somewhere. I bet you would have gotten more then 5%. LOL

At 2:13 PM, Blogger crashbarrel said...

Ok, ok.. Here's my take on this: I think alot of people
are just getting way over excited. This union thing is
now a completely new concept for everyone. Listen.. we
all have a job to do and we should concentrate on that
rather than stupid breaks and assigned lunches. If we
do our jobs and stop worrying, this will all settle out.
When you really look at all the hub-bub so far, it's really
over very minor issues; I can't believe how uptight some people
are over things as breaks/lunches!! Come on, these issues
haven't changed! Take a look in the "Policy/Procedure manual."
It clearly states - Two 15-minute breaks and a 1/2 hour lunch!
No biggie, hasn't changed. Polo shirts? Cool! Makes my wardrobe
descision in the morning much easier; I want mine NOW!

I foresee that the most vocal people concerning the union are
going to be the "Pets." Pet? Yup, the ones who seem to get away
with the 2-hour lunches and seem to disappear in the early
afternoon. (No, that doesn't happen does it?) Now, with a Polo
shirt, the Pets are probably less likely to head over to Nemun Marcus
for 2-hours of power shopping at lunch - HA!!

As far as appliances in your cube? Well, I guess the Pets won't
be able to make coffee for their Boss in the morning anymore. Oh
well, I for one will dearly miss my Capachino maker - :-)

Anyway, if you happened to notice, the tone of this post has
nothing to do with Management/Employee issues. It's clearly now
Employee/Employee issues. Think about it: This whole thing has
set us against each other. If Management is actually reading
this stuff, they are sitting back and probably getting a good
belly laugh by now.

Again, come on.. Lets all Get back to work and get over it!
All of this stuff is so petty.

(Wanna buy a used coffee maker?)

At 2:37 PM, Blogger crashbarrel said...

Hey, "Ms.Understood"

So, I'm a DUMBASS and
STUPID. I did take your
advise though and stood
out on the corner; Hum,
nope, no 5% and no other
takers. - Ok, take it
easy! This Blog should
get interesting in the
near future.

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Hellas1 said...

Crashbarrel, I agree with what you said about employees against employees. And yes Management probaly does read these comments. The issue of breaks for salaried employees has pretty much been left up to departmental managers in the past. Having been through at least 6 Executive Directors and too many Department Managers to count, none of this is surprising to me and it shouldn't be to anyone else. We all are aware of the special who take long lunches and have been getting away with it for years. That will never change because managment is just as guilty. It comes down to doing your job, doing it to the best of your ability and with a sense of pride. If they enforce the policy manual concerning break times, get over it people. It's not a matter of being a dumbass or stupid or being a puppet, it's a matter of doing as your instructed. After all, they do pay us to work, don't they? Maybe it's just old school, but most of my relatives came to this country and had to work for a living. Maybe some of these special people should give it a try??

At 4:40 AM, Blogger linda adams said...

ms understood-where were you the 2-1/2 years if you were such a leader??? I will tell you-you must have been one of the ones getting the raises and promotions that no one else had a shot at and you are exactly who this union was targetng!!!! And didn't deserve the promotions or the raises!!! You are not qualified to speak out to anyone especially under a false name....use you real name if you are such a leader!!!!


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