Friday, May 18, 2007


You probably know we had negotiations on the 16th and you are biting at the bit to know what took place!!!

We have overcome all the obstacles with the verbiage and came to a mutual agreement and you will be able to review it in a very short time.

People we are just this close to our goal!

While we can get rea
dy to rock , we are still negotiating salary percentages, on June 4th we will hear the Authority's counter proposal.

So what is next, first we need to introduce a new AFSCME committee woman, Karmen Ortloff, Paula King is retiring but will stay on to aid in the transition . You will get an opportunity to formally meet her at our next informational meeting which will be scheduled sometime after June 4th.

Our next meeting will be an important one, so we encourage you to make the time to attend it.

This contract links us together-it is mine, yours and ours-give yourself a chance to hear what has been accomplished and with any luck we will have more information on salaries!

It has always
been a team effort people!

Now stop and think have you signed your green card yet!!

Now is the time to make up your
mind! I have enough cards to go around!

The green card is the only way that you can vote on the contract-don't sell yourself short! Without that card signed you will be completely out of the decision making process.

What if you don't like what we agree to-you didn't sign the card-then shame on you!

Now in case you have heard rumors it has been proposed to put us on a bi-weekly pay schedule that would go into effect with your retro check. We are still discussing the effects on folks. If you have any questions about this feel free to contact one of us!

I feel confident that you will be happy with what we have settled on, again nothing is final until we all vote on it!

Comments, questions, gossip, news- feel free to post! Oh and yes people the Authority does read the blog!

And Remember Green is Good!

Friday, May 04, 2007

April 30th Meeting

We know that you are interested in hearing how the April 30th contract meeting went and while I could not attend I did receive a copy of the employer's proposal and was brought up to speed by the other members of the committee. The Authority did come back again with a counter proposal on salary %s.

While all of you were probably hoping for better news, in their defense so to speak they did come up a bit, but not good enough! They came back with 3%, 2.5%, 3% & 3%.

That is not what you want to hear and we know that we are going to continue to hold fast until they come up with something we can all live with and agree upon. Our next contract meeting is May 16th.

In the meantime we need to do a couple of things, first we have to stop blaming AFSCME for the delays in the contract negotiations. It has been on the Authority's side where the delays have been. AFSCME is here for our benefit, you got to remember they are not the ones that have kept you from getting any kind of a cost of living raise the last four years-they are in fact here to insure that we will received $$$ from now on!

Second we have to quit treating the union as a secret it is not-it is here to stay everyone knows that-we are long past the solicitation process! We are bargaining unit #3883!


You can tell folks what is going on-it is their contract that is being negotiated! They have a right to know! Whether they are at Central Support, Central Warehouse or the main Authority building-it is their right!

Now despite what you think I have tried to reach out to as many members as possible, but I am
one person and we have 200 plus members I can not do it by myself. I need your help! So if you know someone who is not aware of this website or does not have internet access pass the information on they need to know! Or point them in my direction!

Our next informational meeting will be at DuPage Inn on May 9th at
4:30. Now we know that folks live all over Illinois and it is not always convenient, but it is important for you to attend to get as much information about what you can expect out of this contract!

We also need to remind you that you do have Union Representation for any disciplinary actions taken against you! There are members of management that need to learn how to play fair and that is where We the Union come in!

May 16th is Green Day! Green pants, shirts, ties, scarves, etc. and remember I will have green hair glue as well!!!!

Feel free to post comments, suggestions, questions have at it!